[Poem] rePLAY


Pressed it again.
Let the gray circle roll.
Black screen,
Lit up with the sun.
Illuminate her face.
Black irises.
White glow.

The Sun.
Shiny and Bright.  
Beautiful and Full of life.
Even though it was on a screen.
Just a fake.
Was an electronic replica.
But that was all she have.

Pressed it again.
And the gray circle rolled.
Her eyes burns.
But not her body.

She touched the screen.
Pretend that its warmth could reach her.
Pretend to return.
And replay those days.
When there were light.
And smiles.
When there were friends.
And love.

Not darkness.
Not cold.
Not the stench of blood and death in her mouth.
Not the hunger gnawing in her, calling her to kill.
Not the fangs cutting into her lips.

Get her away.
Get her out.

The Sun is Life.
And she was not.

She was not….


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