Glow - Chapter 1


Chapter 1: We were both young when I first saw you.

-          Break dancing is hard!  – She muttered – whined to herself when she, for the 10th time, had fallen on her rear. She had been practicing the 6-step for a couple of days now and still couldn’t get the hang of it. Her hands were too weak to keep her upper body up for long and her balance was terrible. Her palms were red for all the pressure she put on them and her legs were turning into jelly.  Sweats were collecting on her forehead and back, and she was huffing with exhaustion. She relaxed her arms and let her body fall wordlessly onto the wooden floor. Turning to lie on her back, she stared at the reflection of herself on the dark glass ceiling. She could see it clearly in her mind: an image that had played repeatedly ever since she started practicing, just a couple weeks ago. She was standing on a dark stage. The spotlight focused solely on her. The music was beating and thrumming. She took a deep breath and placed her hand on the floor, using it to push her legs up straight in the air. She moved her hip and spun around, doing a perfect flare. She collected herself on the stage after the move and resumed dancing. The crowd was cheering loudly, but she didn’t listen. All she could hear is the music and the sound of her own heart, beating rapidly and passionately.

She closed her eyes, allowing herself a moment of stillness…

-          Oh! Sorry! – The sound of the door clicking snapped her out of her reverie. She looked up and blushed. Standing at the door was no other but Ryan Knightman, one of the academy’s best dancer, singer and performer – he was also very handsome, but that was an irrelevant trifle. Almost every girl in the school had a crush on him, but she personally only admired his skill and effort. He managed to do well in his school works, always at the top of his class, and to keep his dancing spot on. For a neophyte such as Rosa, he was truly someone to look up on. However, she could not help but question his presence at the place. Truth to be told, as much as she called this room her “practice room”, it was not a real dance studio, which the school had two, but an empty warehouse behind the building. She accidentally discovered the place during recess when she first came to high school and had been using the room for her more “personal” times. The school’s rule was not really tight so she had gone on with out any disturbance for at least a few months. It had never occurred to her that someone else would think of the same purpose. Meanwhile, Ryan was still looking at her, waiting for an answer. As she was taking too long to reply, he continued to speak.  – I didn’t know this room was taken. Do you mind if I stay here? Or should I go practice elsewhere? – He ran his hand through his messy black hair, signing in subtle annoyance. – The other rooms are quite crowded. But if you are not comfortable…

-          Oh, don’t worry. – She cut him off before he could finish the sentence. – I don’t mind. I’m about to leave anyway.  

She picked herself up from her spot on the floor and hastily collected her stuffs. She could feel his eyes straining on the back of her neck and goosebumps creeping up her spine. Furthermore, she really wasn’t keen of having stranger around when she practice. Him being a professional dancer and her a klutz didn’t help boost her confidence in any way.

-          Is is really okay? I don’t want to interrupt your work out. – He asked with concern. She just shook her head and smiled at him nicely:

-          It’s okay. It’s late now and I’d better get back home. It’s nice of you to care though, thank you.  – She tugged on her jacket and headed for the door. Pulling her hoodie over her head, she glanced back and winked at him in a very uncharacteristic manner. – By the way, I like your moves. They are really neat. Bye.

With a wave and a grind, she left the room, closing the door behind her back.

-          Oh my God! Why did I say that to him?

-          Oh come on! I don’t believe I can’t pull this off! – She huffed in frustration, trying to blow off the hair that had escaped its ponytail and was falling wildly around her face, into her eyes and mouth. She yanked the pink elastic off with a little more hate than intended and redid the blonde mane in a simple braid. Again, she had been practicing for half an hour and she was still hung up over the moves. Since she realized that she wasn’t good enough to do the advanced moves yet, she had decided to practice some Top Rock instead. However, for some stupid reasons, she still failed miserably and her legs simply refused to follow her commands. She was hot, she was sweaty – urg, gross – and she was frustrated. But she was not about to give up. She straightened up and got ready for another go. – Let’s try this again. One… Two… Three… Oh woh… Help!

She shut her eyes, waiting for an impact. Her right leg had got tangled with her left leg, which caused her to lose balance and fall. She was expecting to hit the hard floor with a thud and a few more bruises, but the crash never came. In stead, she felt a pair of strong arms caught hers and she came face to face with a white – clad chest. She squeaked and scrambled back on her feet while mumbling an embarrassed “Sorry”. Her face was so hot she could feel steam coming out of her ears. Sometimes, she was truly grateful that she didn’t blush much. He chuckled, which only made her giddiness worse:

-          Easy there. Look like you got yourself a hard dive. Gotta be careful if you want to flare.

-          T…thank…you… - She stammered, a new heat wave covered her face and neck and ran up to her ears. This was the second time she got a chance to talk to him, and she was already a mess. A sign echoed in her head. That was it. She was going to move to another country, change her name into Nana and live the life of a recluse, planting herbs and raising sheep – those kind of things.

Eh. Wait a minute! A boom mike shrieked in her head and there was the sound of the record being played backward.

“Did he just pun? Twice? In 10 seconds?” – She thought with incredulity, mentally rolled her eyes and silently cursed her luck. Oh great. Just perfect. The greatest dancer in the school, for whom she had an absolute platonic admiration, just HAD to be a pun-thrower. Isn’t that adorable? Uhm, how about… nope? Those words were absolutely out of context!

-          Hey, you’re okay? – His voice broke her out of her daze, again. She snapped her head up and momently gazed into Ryan’s – because whoever else could that be? – black eyes. She blushed again, recalling the last time she met him. It was so wrong in so many ways she didn’t even know how to start: not only did she let him see her lying flat on the floor like a wasted pancake, she also left with an awkward remark hanging in the air. Seriously, what was she thinking to talk to him like that? Oh dear, she hoped he would just forget about the whole ordeal. To her regret, however, he appeared to have a memory worthy of the best student in second year because when he spoke again, it was a question – We met before, right?

Yep, he remembered her. To be honest, that was a pleasant surprise. The inner conflict between wanting to chew herself up for being sassy at the wrong time and feeling all warm and fluffy because “Oh my God! Ryan Knightman remembers me!” she could handle, maybe for a while. She smiled and gave him a sheepish nod, which earned her a smile from Ryan himself:

-          I want to thank you for letting me use this room. – He continued, interrupting her attempt to deny that she was leaving anyway at the time.  – It was very nice of you. And your compliment, it means a lot to me too.

She debated on “But you must have received tons of compliments like that” as a reply, but decided against it. It would be very impolite and imprudent for her to say that. In stead, she just nodded silently.

-          I’m sorry, I didn’t have a chance to get your name. - He asked, obviously interested in a conversation, for whatever reason.

-          I’m Rosaline, but you can call me Rosa.

-          Okay Rosa, I’m Ryan Knightman. But I guess you already know that. – He joked, causing her to giggle. Her laughter rang in the otherwise quiet room, bounced off between the walls and echoed around them. She seemed to be a lot more at ease now, a thing that had not escaped the boy’s observation. – So, you do breakdance too?

-          Yeah. I’ve been practicing. – His question reminded her of the fall that lead her to this confrontation and she felt a new pang of self – consciousness. – But I’m nowhere near as good as you.

They fell into an uncomfortable silence, feeling awkward with each other. However, before she could mentally berate herself to death, he spoke again, very much to her relief and gratitude:

-          Uhm, do you mind if I practice here? You really don’t have to leave, there’s plenty of room and I won’t bother you. – He looked at her pleadingly with those deep black eyes, and she strained to suppress the need to slap herself awake. How could she possibly say no to such adorableness? She nodded and moved to the other side of the room. Putting on her headphone, she tried to lose herself in the beating music.

-          He did what? – The brunette yelled elatedly, shaking her best friend’s arms. She was laughing without control, her eyes sparkled with excitement. – Young lady, you are going to tell me everything truthfully and elaborately. What happens after that?

The other girl rolled her eyes affectionately. She leaned onto her best friend’s shoulder and continued her story: 

-          Well, so we started practicing. I tried to act normal at first, but you know me, I don’t really like having anyone near when I dance. I felt really awkward and self – conscious. – She got a light pat on the head and a murmured “Poor baby”, which caused her to duck away and punch the brown eyes girl’s arm with playful indignation. She laughed. -  Let me finish my story, you dupe. After that, I simply decided that it was no use trying to concentrate, so I just stopped and watched him dance in stead. Oh my God, Jenny, he was so amazing!!! – She fanned herself with her hand, pretending to swoon onto Jenny. – He’s just so perfect. The way he moves, his arms and his legs… And don’t even get me started on his face. Oh dear Lord. Please kill me.

-          No can do. Carry on.

-          Uhm, that’s all actually. It was quite late in the evening and I had to go home. I’m not sure if he noticed I was gone actually. – The last sentence sounded way too much of a sign to her ears, and she winced mentally. She was pathetic, wasn’t she? Jenny wrapped her arm around her shoulders and gave a light squeeze, to which she was grateful. Her best friend was always that sweet and caring, and she loved her for that. Being with her and talking to her always cheered her on. – Well, you know what? – Rosa stood up, pulling the other girl with her. – Let’s go get something to eat. My treat.  

Fifteen minutes later found the girls sitting inside a nearby café, their drinks on the wooden table in front of them. It was one of their favorite hangout, partly because it was close to school, partly because it had really nice and cozy decorations: lit by soft yellow lights and adorn with with homey paintings and calligraphy.  Both girls sprawled out on their burgundy bean bag chairs, completely relaxed. Taking a sip from her glass, the brown eyes teen restarted their conversation:

-          So, have you seen him again afterward?

-          Yes, I did actually. He came to the practice room every evening so I get a glimpse of him now and then. We don’t talk much though. – She said with a sad smile and changed the subject. – Hey, do you think we should start a band?

-          Huh? Why? – Jenny arched her eyebrow questioningly. She knew that her best friend usually came up with crazy ideas at the weirdest time ever, but this was a little hasty.

-          I don’t know. – She shrugged. – Just a whim, maybe. I’ve always wanted to have a band since I was little. You know, singing, making videos… Those things always interested me.  I have a friend who is really good with drums; her name is Inna. You can play the organ. And I can sing and play the guitar.

-          Alright Rosa. If you really want to do this. – Jenny nodded and elbowed her friend lightly. - Say, when can I meet that Inna girl?

Two weeks later and Rosa was bored to death. She was sitting outside the school auditorium, waiting for Jenny and Inna. She arrived about half an hour early and had absolutely nothing to do. She took out her phone and fiddled with it, finally decided to listen to music to past the time. As the first tune of “Glow” started to fill her ears, she began to nod her head to the beat.

My heart, it beats to your song

A melody sent from God

I can't breathe when you're gone

Yes I'm deeply in love 

This was the song that got her into breakdance the first time. She found it when she was watching a fan-made breakdance – themed clip about her favourite characters and got engrossed in the beat. She then found some tutorials and practiced after them. However, even after a month of practicing, she still struggled with many moves and was unable to move on to more advanced routines. It was frustrating, really, and she ended up with more bruises and cramps than she bargained for. Nevertheless, she kept on dancing. She wouldn’t stop until she realise her dream of standing on a stage as the best dancer.

Today's the day (Tonight's the night)

I know you feelin' my sound (I'm a make you clap)

'Cause todays the day (Tonight's the night)

I'm a lay it down (I'm a lay it down)

Soon, she moved from simple nodding to actually moving with the music. Some basic steps and spins, just the basics, but she clearly started to enjoy herself more and more. Dancing, and singing too, made her relax and forget her problems, even for a while. The music seemed to flow in her veins and gave her strength she never possessed. It felt like, when she was deep in melody, she could be anything, anyone. She could be free. She could be powerful. She could glow.

Let's glow (Hands high, hands high)

I can't wait, I can't wait to see ya

Glow (Hands high, hands high)

Round the world, round the world my people

Glow, glow (Hands high, hands high)

She was not sure anymore if the moves she was making was breakdancing or just weird random movements. And frankly, she didn’t mind. She spun around and skidded to a halt to avoid falling face first onto the marble floor. She was giggling between intake of breaths, hand clutching her somewhat throbbing stomach when she saw him. Looking at her with those intense sky-night eyes. Smiling a smile that fathoms and fathoms above her understanding. She found herself dumbfounded.

-          Hi. – He greeted. She kept silent, too embarrassed to reply. She was reprimanding herself cruelly for goofing around without checking for any kind of audience. Seriously, dancing in front of Jenny and Inna was different; she had done it more than she could count. But she was not prepared to have anyone else seeing her like this, especially not Ryan. Gosh, he might think she was a loser right now, and with all her supposed “dance moves”, the chances were extremely high. All the thoughts running through her mind made her shy and quiet. Due to her irresponsiveness, he waved a hand in front of her, trying to get her attention. – You’re okay? You seem to be in a dead freeze. - He chuckled with the pun. – You’re not trying to commit suicide, are you?      

She found the corner of her mouth twitching, not sure from laughter or annoyance. However, she glared at him, feeling a little bolder:

-          Do you want me to stab you? – Yes, don’t try to intimidate her with puns. You would never win. She knew her vocabulary. She smirked at him, knowing full well that she had hit him with a jackhammer. – What’s wrong mister? Got confusions?

-          Wow. You sure know how to make a guy speechless. – His frozen face morphed into a grin and he laughed.

-          Well, I’m a cat that got naughty boys’ tongues. So beware, or I might scratch you. Meow. – She stuck out her tongue at him like a demonstration and crooked her fingers to mimic a claw. However, before they had more chance to talk, her friends arrived. Inna’s voice called out and startled her so much her hair almost stood on end. With a regrettable glance at the boy and a final wave, Rosa took off toward her friends. – Gotta go now. See ya later Ryan.

To her surprise, he put his hands up to form like a makeshift amplifier and called after her:

-          Hey, we should practice together sometime, alright?

If she smiled any wider, she might have split her face in two. 


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